- Ketamine, also known by the brand names of Ketaset®, Ketaflo®, Vetalar® or Vetaket®, belongs to a class of drugs known as dissociative hypnotics and is similar to phencyclidine (PCP). It works by disrupting the central nervous system and induces a cataleptic state. For dogs and cats, Ketamine is often used for restraint, sedation, pain and/or anesthesia.
- Ketamine is a rapidly acting general [[rol||anesthetic|A drug that prevents sensations such as pain. Local or regional anesthesia prevents pain in a limited area or in a specific body region. General anesthesia prevents pain and also causes unconsciousness and generalized muscle relaxation.]] that provides significant pain relief but does not provide relaxation of the muscles.
- Ketamine has also been show to inhibit receptors in a way that when used with other drugs is used to control pain.Buy Ketaset Online
- After intramuscular injection, the effects of ketamine are seen within 10 minutes. The effects after intravenous injection are seen within 1 minute.
- For aggressive cats unable to be restrained for injection, ketamine can be sprayed into the mouth or eyes. It is readily absorbed from these surfaces and results in enough sedation to allow handling of the cat. It does not damage the mouth or eyes. Cats eyes remain open when treated with Ketamine therefore need protection with lubricant.
- Ketamine is approved for use in humans, cats and primates. It is widely used as an extra-label drug in other companion animals.
- Due to its potential for abuse and misuse, ketamine is considered a controlled substance in some states.
- Ketamine is a prescription drug and can only be obtained from a veterinarian or by prescription from a veterinarian.
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$7.50 $5.00
Ketamine, also known by the brand names of Ketaset®, Ketaflo®, Vetalar® or Vetaket®, belongs to a class of drugs known as dissociative hypnotics and is similar to phencyclidine (PCP).
Category: Ketamine HCL
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